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ČlánekWell done !!! - Martin Hunal celkově 3. místo Okolo Irska - An post Rás a 2. nejlepší vrchařPá - 1. Červen 2012, 09:11 - Zdeněk Rubáš Rosťa Krotký byl 19., Ondřej Pávek dokončil závod na 48. místě, Jiří Nesveda 101. a Daniel Vejmelka 118. Po výborném výkonu Martina Hunala v královské 5. etapě se AC Sparta Praha soustředila na uhájení či vylepšení 3. místa. 6. etapa byla také velmi kopcovitá a mohla ještě hodně změnit v celkovém pořadí. Sparta spolu se Švýcary pracovala celou etapu na špici pelotonu a Martin Hunal s přehledem bodoval i na vrchařských prémiích a upevnil druhé místo v nejlepších vrchařích. V 7. etapě v cílovém spurtu dojel na 7. místě Rostislav Krotký a ... video z etap také na píše:Závodník cyklistického týmu AC Sparta Praha skončil na etapovém silničním závodě kategorie UCI 2.2 na vynikajicím 3. místě a zajel tak nejlepší výsledek v jeho dosavadní kariéře. V osmietapovém podniku zvítězil Nicolas Baldo z Francie, Hunal za ním zaostal o pouhých 17 sekund Hunal o svém umístění na stupních vítězů rozhodl v královské etapě, která měřila 149 kilometrů. V ní skončil na druhém místě a zároveń si zajistil druhou příčku ve vrchařské soutěži. Z dalších jezdců Sparty Praha jel dobře ještě Rostislav Krotký, jemuž v konečném pořadí patří 19. místo. Závod se jel celkem na 8 etap a celkem závodníci absolvovali 1172 kilometrů. V průběhu celého závodu panovalo na Irsko nezvyklé slunečné počasí bez deště. Tým AC Sparta Praha startoval ve složení Martin Hunal, Jiří Nesveda, Ondřej Pávek, Daniel Vejmelka a Rostislav Krotký. "Jsem velice spokojený, když jsme s týmem odjížděli na tento etapák, tak jsme si řekli, že by bylo super být mezi prvními a to se nám povedlo. Já sám tento výsledek považuji jako nejlepší v mé kariéře. Hodně lidi si myslí, že jsem si výsledek vyjel sám, ale tak to není. Nebýt celého pětičlenného týmu se kterým jsme tady startovali, tak by se nám to nepovedlo. Všem klukům jsem každý den za jejich práci poděkoval. Odvedli velký kus dobré práce," poděkoval svému týmu Hunal. Cyklisté Sparty se podřídili taktice Týmová strategie vedla k očekávanému přání. Celý tým makal na Hunala a ve spurtech měl řádit Jiří Nesveda. Ten se však přidal ke stahování nástupů a náskoku vedoucích závodníků a podřídil se taktice vyjet pozici pro Hunala. Proto jsme ho ve spurtech neviděli. "Jeli jsme tam s cílem spurty rozjet na mě a celkové pořadí pro Hunala. Bohužel už v druhé etapě nám odjela skupina kde jsme neměli žádného zástupce. Tak jsme všichni skupinu sjížděli. Tím jsem se vystřílel ze sil a v etapě jsem nebyl schopný spurtovat. Hlavní bylo že jsme tu skupinu dojeli na potřebný rozestup. Martin Hunal potom obsadil v páté etapě druhé místo, kde byli 20% kopce. Odjel s dalšími závodníky a získal druhé místo. Tím se posunul na třetí místo celkově a pak už jsme to udrželi až do konce. Já jsem v podstatě nespurtoval," vysvětlil spurter Nesveda, který svým výkonem pomohl k úspěchu svého kolegy. Krásné třetí místo v celkovém pořadí Hunala potěšilo. Ale jednoduché to nebylo. Nejprve chytil ztrátu a před královskou etapou měl zdravotní problémy. "V průběhu druhé etapy to se mnou vypadalo hodně špatně. Odjela čtyřčlenná skupinka a měla celkem velký náskok, ale týmu se náskok téměř celý povedlo zlikvidovat a ztratil jsem jenom nějaké vteřiny a byl jsem stále ve hře o podium. Den před královskou etapou jsem měl zdravotní problémy a měl jsem obavy, že to moc nepůjde. Během etapy se mi ani nejelo dobře. Ale pak jsem se rozjel a skončil druhý, což mě posunulo na druhé místo v celkovém pořadí, které jsem až do cíle udržel," doplnil Hunal. Svým týmovým pojetím zasáhl do bojů také Ondřej Pávek. "Mě osobně překvapil velký balík. V závodě jelo 35 startujících týmů po pěti lidech. A to bylo hodně náročné na sjíždění. Překvapilo mne na Irsko krásné počasí a velké teplo. To bylo velmi příjemné. Náročnost závodu byla taková, jaká odpovídá závodu UCI 2.2. a jsme rádi, že jsme dokázali s konkurencí držet krok a brali třetí flek," doplnil své kolegy. Sparta má svého vrchaře Výborný výsledek v UCI závodě kategorie 2.2 není překvapením. Tým Sparty v loňském roce slavil úspěch v podání Romana Broniše v závodech v Polsku. Konečně máme ve spartě vrchaře, což je hodně pozitivní záležitost. Martin je člověk na kterého se můžeme v kopcích spolehnout. S tím se dá pracovat a je to velmi dobře. Dříve jsme měli ve Spartě spurtéry, tempaře a teď konečně i vrchaře. Jsme rádi že se mu daří. Rok od roku se zlepšuje a pracuje na sobě, což je velmi pozitivní. Celý tým mě potvrdil proč byli vybráni na tento závod. Všichni kluci pracovali na tom, aby se udržel ten výsledek pro Martina. Akorát ve čtvrté etapě chytnul asi 11 sekund, když se před cílem peloton rozdělil. Možná mohl být i ve žlutém trikotu," pochválil své svěřence Zdeněk Rubáš, manažer Sparty. /> /> SPORT IMAGE Jan Sunka | jednatel gsm: +420 777 293 136 e-mail roadcycling píše: výborného umístění v Irsku (závod An Post Ras) dosáhl Martin Hunal z týmu Sparta Praha. V osmi etapovém závodě Okolo Irska dobyl třetí místo a k tomu přidal druhé místo ve vrchařích, což je výsledek hodně dobrý pro Spartu, ale i Českou republiku, která získala slušný příděl UCI bodů. V Irsku zvítězil Francouz Nicolas Baldo před krajanem Thomasem Rostollanem a našim Hunalem. Irish Cycling píše: AN POST RÁS: BALDO TAKES OVERALL, BAGDONAS PIPS BENNETT TO WIN STAGE EIGHT By Shane Stokes May 27, 2012, One day after a miscalculation saw the team lose out an opportunity to finish first and second on stage seven of the An Post Rás, Gediminas Bagdonas and Sam Bennett achieved the rare feet today at the finish in Skerries. Last year’s champion Bagdonas led out the gallop and while the younger Irishman tried to get past, he miss-timed his effort and was unable to do so. He finished half a bike length behind him in the sprint, while Marcin Bialoblocki (Britain Node4 Giordana Racing) and Roy Eefting (Netherlands Koga Cycling) racked up third and fourth. Overnight leader Nicolas Baldo last won a UCI race three years ago, and said that taking the An Post Rás was a new feeling. “It’s another taste to win an eight stage race, in addition to taking a stage win in a middle,” he smiled. “It’s a beautiful week, we had a lot of luck, all the conditions came together to do a big race. I’m really pleased to write my name on the trophy and to win this race.” He finished thirteen seconds ahead of his compatriot Thomas Rostollan (France AVC Aix En Provence), who impressed with his stage win over Mamore Gap into Buncrana on Thursday. Bagdonas went into the event hoping to be the first rider to defend his title since Paul McCormack in 1987/1988. The 24 year gap shows how tough the goal is, and in the end he had to be satisfied with two stage wins, the Post Office sprints jersey and ninth overall. “Taking a second stage win is amazing, and Sam was [also] second…it’s very nice,” he smiled after the podium presentation. “They did good work, all team, in the ending. And today we had one guy in breakaway, it’s also perfect. All day today we just sat on the wheels and waited for the bunch sprint.” Bagdonas appeared perfectly poised to strike but was unable to overcome his 33 second deficit to the Frenchman Nicolas Baldo (Switzerland Atlas Jakroo). He said that a combination of close marking tactics by several teams plus injury made his task a very tough one. “After I think the third stage, I had a crash and I had a little problem with my back. Things were blocked, and it was difficult for me to win the general,” he said. “Every day I tried, but all teams worked together. I tried to attack but I was always caught. It is not so easy. All the teams know I am strong. I am happy to win two stages and the points, I think it’s very good for the team.” Team manager Kurt Bogaerts said that he had asked Bagdonas to lead out the sprint, with Bennett on his wheel. He said the ideal situation would have been for Bennett to come round and take the victory, while Bagdonas would net second and seal his win in the points classification. That seemed possible, but as the video imagery from the finish showed, Bennett didn’t kick until too close to the line. “I felt pretty good. Coming in we were trying to get first and second, but I was hoping it would be the other way around,” he said. “I was a bit too confident and left it a bit too late, waited till a hundred metres to go and just ran out of the road in the end. But we did what we needed to do, we got the green jersey, that’s what we wanted to get. That’s was our aim for today, then trying to get the stage win also. So job well done. I’m happy with today.” The stage was marked by a long-distance breakaway which battled for the stage win. Bennett’s team-mate Sean Downey and Christopher Stephenson (Britain UK Youth Cycling) went clear approximately ten kilometres into the stage, and were joined by Lars Vierbergen (Netherlands Koga) and Christopher Jennings (Rapha Condor Sharp) then, soon afterwards, by Sondre Hurum (Norway Oneco Mesterhus, Taylor Gunman (New Zealand) and Robin Kelly (Carlow Dan Morrissey Speedy Spokes). It built a lead of almost two minutes and while Kelly, Gunman and then Hurum slipped back before the final lap of the 13.8 kilometre finishing circuit in Skerries, Vierbergen, Downey, Jennings and Stephenson fought on until approximately ten kilometres to go. Attacks followed on the final ascent of the Black Hills but the Switzerland Atlas Jakroo team had things fully under control and the ensuing bunch sprint meant that Nicolas Baldo’s yellow jersey was safe. The 27 year old rode very strongly in the race and underlined his class when he scooped a solo stage win in the yellow jersey. He finished thirteen seconds ahead of his compatriot Thomas Rostollan (France AVC Aix En Provence), netting the first ever victory by a French rider in the sixty years of the Rás. Martin Hunal (Czech Republic AC Sparta Praha) and former race leader Pirmin Lang (Switzerland Atlas Jakroo) took third and fourth, while Connor McConvey (An Post Grant Thornton Sean Kelly) was best Irish rider in seventh, 24 seconds back. David McCann (Taiwan RTS Racing, 11th), Peter Hawkins (Britain Team IG - Sigma Sport, 13th) and Fitzcycles best county rider Adam Armstrong (Dublin West Eurocycles, 14th) were just outside the top ten. In the other classifications, David Clarke (Node4 Giordana Racing) took the One4All Bikes4Work mountains prize, Richard Handley (Rapha Condor Sharp) was best under 23 rider and Art McManusa (Dublin South UCD) and Adam Armstrong (Dublin West Eurocycles) were the strongest in the category two and Fitz Cycles county rider classifications. As for the team awards, the one-two by Bagdonas and Bennett secured the squad the international team award for stage eight, while Meath Dunboyne DID Electrical were best of the county teams. In the overall standings, Switzerland Atlas Jakroo and Dublin West Eurocycles were strongest in both classifications. How it happened: The final day of the An Post Rás began in Cootehill and would end with the now-customary finishing circuits in Skerries. After a Post Office sprint in Nobber (km 38.6), the riders would fight it out on category three climbs at Slane (km 65.6), Pluckhimin (km 84), Cross of the Cage (km 103.3), plus two ascents of the Black Hills 1 (km 116.5 and km 130.3). As has been the case for most of this sixtieth edition of the race, the stage was once again run off under bright sunshine and warm conditions. The first attack of the day saw Sean Downey (An Post Grant Thornton Sean Kelly) going clear with Christian Jensen (Denmark Blue Water) and Michael Vingerling (Netherlands Koga Cycling) and while this was soon brought back, Downey and Christopher Stephenson (Britain UK Youth Cycling) went clear soon afterwards, approximately ten kilometres into the stage. Lars Vierbergen (Netherlands Koga) and Christopher Jennings (Rapha Condor Sharp) jumped across and after they built a thirty second lead, Sondre Hurum (Norway Oneco Mesterhus) tried to bridge. He received reinforcements in the shape of Taylor Gunman (New Zealand) and Robin Kelly (Carlow Dan Morrissey Speedy Spokes) and after approximately 30 kilometres, they succeeded in getting across. The bunch was one and a half minutes behind at this point, and was an additional ten seconds in arrears when Kelly took the Post Office sprint in the town of Nobber (km 38.6). Vierbergen had started the day 17th overall, one minute 19 seconds behind the race leader Nicolas Baldo, and because of this control was kept on the gap the break built. The bunch tended to keep the gap between one minute thirty seconds and two minutes, and the break’s advantage was halfway between these two points on the first climb, the third category ascent at Slane (km 65.6). Hurum took top points there ahead of Vierbergen, and the duo again went over the top of Pluckhimin (km 84) in the same order. Shortly before the start of the third climb, Cross of the Cage (km 103.3), the gap went down to one minute five seconds. This spurred the break to accelerate and in doing so, Kelly lost contact. Gunman also slipped back, although he’d get back on after Vierbergen and Downey brought the others over the summit. His return was temporary as he got dropped once again. The gap was back up to one minute sixteen seconds at that point, but had dwindled to a minute by the time the riders passed the huge crowds at the finish line for the first time. Two circuits of 13.8 kilometres remained at that point, each including the third category Black Hills climb, and it was looking increasingly doubtful for the break. Sure enough, the lead fell soon afterwards to 32 seconds. This prompted Stephenson to try to get clear and while his move was covered, Hurum got into difficultly and went south. The four remaining riders – namely Vierbergen, Downey, Jennings and Stephenson – had just 21 seconds left at the top of the first ascent of the Black Hills, where Vierbergen once again took top points. This had all but evaporated by the time they reached the finish line again, the move holding just five seconds with the final 13.8 kilometres to be covered. It was brought back very soon afterwards. The attacks were fired off on the final ascent of Black Hills, but the first rider to the top, under 23 classification leader Richard Handley (Rapha Condor Sharp) had only a very small advantage over Jonathan Fumeaux and race leader Nicolas Baldo (both Switzerland Atlas Jakroo). Their team had things under control and a bunch gallop was inevitable. In that final dash to the line, An Post Grant Thornton Sean Kelly riders Gediminas Bagdonas and Sam Bennett got things right after sprinting yesterday and not being aware that two riders were up ahead. Today’s sprint saw Bennett try to get past his team-mate for the win, but he ran out of road. The Lituanian won, nabbing his second stage victory in the race and also sealing his victory in the Post Office sprints classification. Thanks to a combination of interesting racing, some great stage route selections and the phenomenal weather seen over the past few days, the race was a big success. The sixtieth edition is done and dusted, but many who worked on the race woke up this morning wishing it had continued for longer. In contrast, the riders will welcome the rest after a very tough eight days of racing, but will also look back in the event with satisfaction and good memories. Everyone who finished was given a medal to mark the achievement and, through effort and sweat and battling onwards over eight days, multiple categorised climbs and almost 1200 kilometres of tough racing, fully earned it. An Post Rás stage 8 results: Cootehill to Skerries: 1, Gediminas Bagdonas (Belgium An Post Sean Kelly) 139.3 kilometres in 3 hours 15 mins 56 secs 2, Sam Bennett (Belgium An Post Sean Kelly) 3, Marcin Bialoblocki (Britain Node4 Giordana Racing) 15, Martin Hunal (Czech Republic AC Sparta Praha) all same time Final Clacification: 1, Nicolas Baldo (Switzerland Atlas Jakroo) 26 hours 55 mins 57 secs 2, Thomas Rostollan (France AVC Aix En Provence) at 13 secs 3, Martin Hunal (Czech Republic AC Sparta Praha) at 17 secs Mountains classification: 1, David Clarke (Britain Node4 Giordana Racing) 75 pts 2, Martin Hunal (Czech Republic AC Sparta Praha) 61 3, Thomas Rostollan (France AVC Aix En Provence) 48 4, Sondre Hurum (Norway Oneco- Mesterhus) 43 5, Connor McConvey (Belgium An Post Sean Kelly) 31 Ukázka fotek z fotogalerie (celkem 23x fotek):INFO: Celou fotogalerii k tématu naleznete zde: Fotogalerie/2012/irsko/ nebo Otevřít procházecí fotogaleriiVaše reakce:Reakce jsou řazeny od nejstarších po nejnovější.-Přidat příspěvek
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Příspěvky z fóraNejnovější diskusní vlákno: Kniha hostů - stálé vlákno Zobrazit všechna vlákna ve fóru |